Selected Articles and Interviews:

Selected Youtube Interviews:

Artist Fer Caggiano’s New Exhibition “Like A Girl: Dare to Dream”
Fer Caggiano, Artist/Owner Fer Caggiano Art LLC
Like A Girl: Dare To Dream on Lowcountry Live

Watch more in this Youtube playlist

Selected Press:

Canvas Rebel

Fer, thanks for taking the time to share your stories with us today Can you talk to us about a project that’s meant a lot to you?

After being criticized for painting nudes (the most traditional subject in art) I realized people would not have told me what I should or should not be painting was I a man. I was living in SC at the time and I decided to showcase inspiring women in the region so young girls would have a role model to look up to.

(read the full article)

Holy City Sinner features Like A Girl: Dare To Dream project


Fer Caggiano, an internationally-recognized local artist with a passion for empowering girls and women, has created striking portraits and landscapes that not only capture beauty, but her paintings also serve a higher purpose: helping girls and women reach their highest potential.

The Hive Exhibition

Charleston Style & Design features Like A Girl: Dare To Dream



Artist Fer Caggiano debuts a solo show featuring portraits of strong women role models.

IT’S A MONDAY MORNING, and I am about to Zoom with artist Fer (pronounced “fair”) Caggiano. I am excited about this call. Caggiano is not only talented, but she also makes art from a solid center of joy and purposefully uses her work to make the world a better place. At the bitter end of this brutal year, I am looking forward to talking to her because I know whatever she’s been up to since our last chat, it’s going to be good. (read full article)

The Post and Courier features puzzles:

And, while they may arrive in hundreds of challenging pieces, these puzzles are a work of art. “I do think it’s a great way to get people involved with the arts… because not everyone can afford an original:, she said. “Not everyone has wall space to hang art either if it is an original or a print, but a lot of people really like to connect with the artists”, Caggiano said. “When you offer… puzzles and other stuff, they can have a piece of art they can use as well.”

Fer Caggiano Puzzles
Mount Pleasant Magazine feature

Like A Girl: Dare To Dream on “Charleston Women” & “Mount Pleasant Magazine”

My art was used in this article for

Compliments’ You Should Really Stop Giving by Giorgia Cristiani

Let’s start with one of the most common situations in which receiving a compliment is not always a positive experience. If you are a man complimenting a woman you see in the street, you need to stop and really think why you feel the need to do so. Do you sincerely appreciate the woman’s appearance? If so, why do you feel the need to express it, instead of silently contemplating it on your own (but no staring, please!)? Are you trying to get something out of the interaction?


Charleston Daily features Like A Girl: Dare To Dream


In the last thirty to forty years, women in America have been told they can be anything they want to be. But can they? What hindrances does society impose on them? What obstacles do they run into that men do not? How can we ensure this next generation of women can see themselves in leadership roles, in male-centric or male-dominated industries, as a CEO, a pilot, a politician? It is our responsibility to shine a light on women leaders, wherever they may be, so our young girls can find role models that look like them, whatever their race, sexual orientation, or country of origin.

Charleston Daily 

Southern Living Magazine features my Coloring Pages

“Charleston artist, Fer Caggiano, has loved art since her first box of crayons as a little girl growing up in Brazil. Her work has been seen around the world but she is providing free downloadable coloring sheets on her website for us all to enjoy. Check out Fer’s Sip and Color via Zoom on Saturdays. In addition, if you want to glamorize your medical facemask, Fer is selling artsy facemask covers.”

Southern Living

City Paper features my Coloring Pages

Local artist Fer Caggiano has made some coloring pages available for free download on her website for adults and kids stuck at home during the coronavirus. As Caggiano puts it, “Art comes to the rescue!”

Charleston City Paper

Charleston Style & Design Spring 2020

My art featured as the opening of the Spoleto Festival Article
Interview for the Spoleto Festival Article

Charleston Gateway Cover Feature

The American Art Collector

“I see art as my voice,” she says. “Sometimes I look to share the beauty that I perceive in the world and sometimes I want to make people think and question a topic. I see every painting as a portal, with the ability to transport people to a different mindset. Triggering a set of emotions, whether bringing the observer to a peaceful place or encouraging their minds to venture into new ideas.”

Charleston Style & Design Magazine

It’s not often that a set of dental tools inspires a career other than dentistry, but for Fer Caggiano, it was one of the many catalysts that sparked her passion for art. As a child, she used her grandfather’s old dental tools to sculpt designs in pieces of chalk. (Read More)


L’effet désordre organisé que procure ces motifs muraux est assez tendance en ce moment, et en choisissant les bonnes couleurs, on peut le marier dans n’importe quelle pièce. Ici, l’artiste Fer Caggiano a utilisé du blanc, du gris, du vert pastel et du rose poudré pour un résultat harmonieux pour une chambre d’enfant. Les couleurs, les motifs variés, sont autant d’occasions de stimuler visuellement le bébé.

Post and Courier

Although the Lowcountry Artists Gallery hasn’t moved in decades, Fer Caggiano, the gallery’s featured artist for the month of July, moved from Sao Paulo to New Jersey then London before finally arriving in South Carolina.

Mayor’s Office Art Program Features Fer Caggiano

MOUNT PLEASANT, SC (March 2, 2018) – Local artist Fer Caggiano’s Laurel Hill Ave of Oaks was recently installed in the Mount Pleasant Mayor’s office as part of the Culture, Arts & Pride Commission Mayor’s Office Art Program, which aims to promote awareness of local artists and cultivate community pride.

Pursuit of Happiness

New York, N.Y. Fer Caggiano was nominated as a Soho International Artist of the year in 2003. Although she was a student at the Art Students League at that time, she was invited to present her work at the prestigious Agora Gallery in New York City. Her artistic talent and creative paintings were already on the rise in this city of artists.

Abaixo os Cavaletes

Nas intervenções sobre os cavaletes, os artistas buscam o contrário da mensagem política. Os retratos retocados de candidatos dão espaço para traços de influências variadas, do cubismo ao grafite, sem tom ideológico. “Recolhemos uma coisa desagradável e incômoda e a transformamos em um objeto inspirador”, diz a artista plástica Fer Caggiano. Ela montou, com amigos, um espaço dedicado aos cavaletes em seu estúdio em São Paulo.

Revista Época

Show at MakeyBlue, Hoboken

Fer’s notoriety grew dramatically in 2002 as a result of her being named a winner in the 2002 SOHO International Art Competition. In 2003 she was one of the featured artists in “The Latin American Fine Art Exhibition” at Agora Gallery located in New York City, 2003 A year later Fer was a featured artist in Brazil ARTSHOW, the 2004 art book celebrating Brazil’s newest generation of prominent artists.

Recomendação por Tati Bernardi

Deixo vocês com um fim de tarde na Rua Novo Horizonte, o lugar onde sempre sou feliz porque sempre dá pra ser feliz. Deixo vocês com os quadros da Fer Veriga, com a voz da Marisa Monte e da Nina Simone, com a frase maravilhosa de Vinícius, “a vida só se dá pra quem se deu”, e com a sopa de aspargos do Pasta e Vino nas madrugadas.

Snippet of a TV show in Brazil (I was in 4 episodes). 2016

Tv Feature on a solo exhibition in SP, Brazil. 2006


Arte Ibero Americana

Brasil ArtShow

Like A Girl: Dare To Dream

As Seen on:

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